WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You did it. I did it. WE DID IT!
Not only did we make the initial $5k goal (within the first 3-days of my COVID COP campaign) but we reached and surpassed my desired $15k goal AND everyone who chose The Vaxx level and/or up are getting a COVID COP CHURCH KEY!
I'm excited to dive into my workload of drawing all 50+ Covid Cop cardboard head shots, set up a fun Covid Cabana Zoom party, consult on some of your comix projects, and rock some heroic commissions. More importantly, I'm excited to finally share my COVID COP COMIC BOOK in both digital and print forms. Because, at the end of the day, I'm a story maker and my story doesn't finish until you've received it.
I look forward to your thoughts once you read and see COVID COP. And I hope you'll be open to my next Kickstarter which will either be a sequel or a return to a couple of Love Titans I've been meaning to revisit.
THANK YOU ALL for your support and cheer and for helping me realize a self-publishing dream.
You might see an exhausted version of me roaming around MoCCAfest 2023 this weekend in NYC. I remember when MoCCA was the New York response to the much beloved SPX (Small Press Expo in Maryland). It quickly grew into its own thing and has changed a lot since 2002, but so has indie/alternative comix. As I age out and continue to carve my own lane, I always look forward to the few exhibitions, events and comicons I attend per year for the old and the new. Comics may break our heart but they keep us young, too.
And here is another THANK YOU to all my Covid Cop supporters and general subscribers. I created a Spring 2023 Music mix on Spotify.
You can listen to it HERE.
love, Dean
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