With only ten days left to go on my CHEST FACE comix Kickstarter, I wanted to celebrate the many faces of Chest Face — obvious influences in the design of my headless hilarity. From ever lovin’ blue-eyed golems to fuzzy misfits, CHEST FACE is a mash-up of The Thing from The Fantastic Four, Gossamer from Bugs Bunny, Captain America nemesis — Arnim Zola, and the body horror of John Carpenter’s “The Thing,” and Brian Yuzna's “Society.” Plus a sprinkle of Junji Ito for extra cringe.
Meanwhile, raconteur John Siuntres and I had a great talk about lots of stuff, including my new comix campaigns on the Word Balloon podcast.
I also talked to Bob Harrison and Mike Gold on the Pop Culture Squadcast. And there is a 6-page preview of CHEST FACE at Bleeding Cool.
I was interviewed by Jed Keith for FreakSugar about my concurrent Kickstarters. Here’s an excerpt:
FS: What was your familiarity with Lights Out prior to the campaign?
DH: I wasn’t aware of the Lights Out radio show until Tom Akel illuminated me. What an awesome treasure trove from the 1930s! I grew up listening to radio plays and I admired the way actors and sound designers brought imaginary worlds to life. I remember hearing about the legend of Orson Welles’ The War of the Worlds (1938 radio drama) scaring most of America into believing earth was being invaded by aliens from outer space. I recently enjoyed Warren Ellis’ The Department of Midnight audio drama whose mind-bending ideas and ace production values made me tremble. I’ve written four produced plays, thus far, and I think some of them would make great radio plays (and graphic novels). I’ve even lent my own voice to a character called “The Weasel” in Gemini CollisionWorks’ Life with Althaar.
Read the rest HERE.
Announcing my $12k STRETCH GOAL for CHEST FACE: a digital version of KEYHOLE #7.
Longtime friends and cartoonists Dean Haspiel and Josh Neufeld celebrate a quarter-century of collaborations with a new issue of the comic that started it all: KEYHOLE COMICS!
Keyhole was an acclaimed two-man indie anthology that ran for six issues in the 1990s. Since then, Josh & Dino have achieved quite a lot in their individual careers. But in the spirit of collaboration and competition that has always fueled their friendship, the two men have reunited for a 25th-anniversary seventh issue of Keyhole.
This issue is chock-full of Josh & Dino’s signature stories: in Josh’s case true-life tales of the pandemic, food riots, and the story of his own name; while Dino regales us with stories of the Red Hook, Frankenstein, and Molotov Marshmallows. The celebration includes a special center-spread history of Keyhole, written by pop culture guru Whitney Matheson.
This digital Keyhole stretch goal is meant to galvanize my supporters into upping their generous pledges while luring new backers. If we reach the $12k stretch goal by November 22nd, 2024, all backers will receive this 32-page celebration of the two-man anthology in addition to CHEST FACE.
On Friday, November 15, 2024, 5 - 7pm, I’m participating in Sunny's Group Art Show in Red Hook, BK/NY. I’ll be debuting my piece, "Blotto." It’s 14 x 11, blue pencil and black ink on watercolor paper (DM me if interested in buying it).
On Saturday, November 16, 2024 @1pm, I’ll be at powerHouse Books in Industry City, BK/NY, with old studio pal/cartoonist Mike Cavallaro, signing AMAZING ADVENTURES (MARVEL SUPER STORIES #2). Check out Mike’s awesome Thor story featuring Pluto, and my Fantastic Four tale featuring The Mole Man!
In 1995, I was the assistant director on a posse made film called BURNZY'S LAST CALL. Written by George Gilmore and directed by Michael de Avila. Starring Sam Gray, David Johansen, James McCaffrey, Carolyn McCormick, Chris Noth, Michael Rispoli, Roger Robinson, Sherry Stringfield, Tony Todd, Jamie Walters, Michael Massee, and Eddie Brill.
Tony Todd was a few years in on his notorious portrayal of CANDYMAN. When I met him I was prepared to be scared. But Tony couldn't have been more delightful as he portrayed the cross-dressing "Mistress Marla" in our low-budget, guerilla style movie. A force of nature, Tony was a giant gentleman lending his towering talents to our independently produced venture.
You can see a consolidated cut of the movie here:
Okay Party People!
Only 10-days left in my CHEST FACE campaign. Let’s please strive for the $12k boost while aiming for higher.
love, Dean
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