We’re THIS CLOSE to reaching the Keyhole Comics stretch goal on my CHEST FACE Kickstarter which ends midnight THIS FRIDAY.
It’s been a whirlwind and I’m grateful to everyone whose pledged and pimped my new project. Especially the people who drew Chest Face! That was wild. I can’t wait to take the holidays to finish coloring and lettering the comic, and preparing it for print for your hands and heads.
There’s still a little time left for you to take part in this personal project of mine. Help me carve this self-publishing lane that’s equally mollifying and terrifying.
Comedian Matt Zitron produced a sanctioned t-shirt of CHEST FACE for a comedy set he did in England. I hope it helped bring the yucks.
Comedian Chris Mackar aka “Big Business” was witness to a CHEST FACE drive by in Cleveland, Ohio. Check out some of Chest Face's alleged jokes (click IG link below).
I talked to Stefan Blitz at Forces of Geek about CHEST FACE, LIGHTS OUT and more!
Chest Face is the fourth installment of your Deep Cut Universe, which appears to be an offshoot of your New Brooklyn Universe. Considering how you play with different genres, was it always your intent to create a shared universe and which characters do you consider to be a part of it?
There used to be distinct borderlines between Marvel and DC until they started to produce crossovers like Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man, Batman vs The Incredible Hulk, etc./etc.
Then independent comix creators started to blur the borderlines between their characters and cities, and the fans acknowledged that it was okay to play a game of comix twister once in awhile.
We did it recently with my guy, The Red Hook, Dave Kelly and Brett Hobson’s Luna, and Erik Larsen’s Savage Dragon. Don Simpson is currently assembling Megaton Man Multimensions. And Dave Ryan and Allan Goldman’s War of the Independents”#6, featuring a Who’s Who of independent superheroes is humming along.
Anyway, with the spirit of that in mind, I feel that my various characters share secret corners and cul de sacs that intersect any and all universes. Where Chest Face can one day find himself telling jokes at Munden’s Bar or hassle hecklers in the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Read the entire interview HERE.
And — I had a robust comix shop talk with brilliant buddies, Bob Fingerman and Gideon Kendall. Lots of gold in them there hills.
I'm a guest at Big Apple Comic-Con this Saturday, November 23rd, 2024. Swing by and say hey!
Okay Party People. You know what to do.
Thank you.
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